This custom roller table motor proves what a partnership between a steel customer, a motor shop and a motor manufacturer can accomplish—and it’s a beast.
The weird and the wonderful
Looking for pictures of rare beasts and one-of-a-kinds? Want how-tos and tips so you can look after your own weird and wonderful electrical assets? You've come to the right place.

Meet the Green Beast: Duke and WEG’s custom ROT motor
This custom roller table motor proves what a partnership between a steel customer, a motor shop and a motor manufacturer can accomplish—and it’s a beast.

Shrink wrapped Swedish sweetie
This simple ASEA motor was in terrible condition when it arrived at Duke’s shop. The after shots prove that we can take old stuff and make it new again.

Repair or replace?
We love to repair dinosaur DC motors, but it’s often a question: is it time to replace? That’s the case with this 1972 medium voltage compressor motor.

DC motor armature gets a spa day
It’s Valentine’s Day, so we thought we’d showcase the type of work we love—a DC armature in for refurbishment.

A face only a mother could love
A “before” post about a unique low voltage, lower cycle DC motor that’s come into the shop for an overhaul. We don’t do much general duty work and it shows!

Maintain or meltdown
This mid-century GE motor gets in some hot situations. When sparks fly and the motor melts down, it’s Duke to the rescue. Here’s our visual repair update.

Outdoor motor in its natural habitat
Duke Electric goes on site to do repairs when it’s not feasible to bring a particular motor in to the shop. This big guy is having its commutator repaired so there’s good communication between the commutator and the brushes in the motor.
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