We'll help you keep your cool
When one of our steel industry customers needed additional cooling for a hard-working mill motor, they came to Duke with drawings in hand. Turns out those drawings weren't accurate, but we never say no to a challenge. We built the frame from scratch with no template to go by, then sourced the parts with no specs.

The base was custom fabricated, then every part had to be sourced independently. To withstand the harsh mill environment, we needed the most robust equipment money could buy.
When we realized the supplied drawings wouldn't help us, one of our team members had to go up on a crane to take photos in the plant, then we brought in a 5,000 lb mill motor as an example to work from. From that point it was a painstaking process of trial-and-error to determine the right blower, filter, motor, fan and other parts. Even finding the right flex tube—robust enough but with sufficient flex—was a labour of love.

When it's installed, this custom-fabricated blower motor will bolt onto the top of the mill motor, and the hose will connect through the inspection panel.